We Share One Life, We Are One Life
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*Christ the Redeemer in the Clouds, John Dalkin, Flickr
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My Me is God,
nor do I recognize any other Me
except my God Himself.
*St. Catherine of Genoa, Christian Mystic
To gauge the soul we must gauge it with God, for the Ground of God and the Ground of the soul are one and the same.
*Meister Eckhart, Christian Mystic
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A monk went to his spiritual Teacher. He said, "I'm a very angry person. I want you to help me." The Teacher replied, "Show me your anger." The monk said, "Presently, I'm not angry. So, I can't show it to you." "Obviously," spoke the Teacher, "anger is not you, since sometimes it's not even there."
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Recently, I had a most enjoyable and apparently profitable day at work. The day, however, began with my feeling weak from sickness. I had trouble processing information, also. How, therefore, did the day proceed so positively, and end with such enjoyable sharing and guidance of others? Simply, I acted regardless of feelings physically or mentally, or thoughts about those feelings. I acted, I moved, not identifying with feelings of mind or body.
Prayerfulness harmonizes our life and living around a center that is prior to doing or thinking and, so, we are able to act from that center, rather than from identification with feelings or thoughts. The journey of Prayer is a progressive identification, we could say, with this center and away from prior reliance of changing conditions of body and mind. We learn this center, and we learn better to return there quickly, and more so as we become more sensitive to when we have moved from that center. This is, really, the life in Christ, not in myself as personality, as self, as other than Christ in Christ.
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We are each a lovely, pure Rose, in the Garden of Grace.
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*You can contact Brian at briankwilcox@yahoo.com. Please keep in mind, when reading from this site, that teachings cover an extended period of years and, therefore, reflect changes over that time.